Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Learning to accept change .....!

Two years before when I stepped on Bangalore soil, the air was filled with overwhelming exuberance and my mind brimming with never ending excitement. Now looking back to those days and then to my present day, do I feel the same vibration in the air…??? No not really! Changes have invariantly masked the essence and the warmth of life!! Coming to Bangalore, in fact to a place outside my native, was a dream come true for me! New world...New life...New people. Above all, the thought of being with my fellow mates together in a magnificent city…all these made my mind jumping with joy…!
The same momentum continued for around 1 yr….then what happened???? Where and why did all those exhilarating moments die off???? Changes…yes changes are the one and only factor that have crept into life …forcing and imposing its turbulent decrees upon each and every one of us. Many of my friends took a transfer and went back to their hometown. That is where the parting started. Initially we all used to hang out frequently, had a coordinator to organize mini reunions. But later everyone was quaffed by the so called “corporate” and hence began the rising distance between all of us.
Further added to the widening breach were the marriages. I am not antagonistic about getting married but just pointing out a few events that had drastically turned down the situation then and now. In fact I am too happy for all my friends who are living their life happily married. Today all are busy earning for themselves. I am not picking apart anyone in this context , but there are a few of them whom I do meet even today , who do have time and who do think rendezvous with their friends can really boost them up and give them a break from the hectic work life.
It’s hard to accept all these changes in life, but it is true that changes are natural and an inevitable part of life. I am not yet able to accept the change that has happened; may be that is why I am penning down my thoughts right here. As life moves on, we all have to move along and I know everyone of us can do that even though an initial detrition exists and later on may catch along with the pace of life. My life too has witnessed changes in just these two years. Speaking about my career, it has also taken me down from my anticipation, but I am hoping that in coming days I will learn to accept these changes and embrace them and hence will be in a better position both mentally and emotionally and A new day will rise in front of me calling out to me that makes me feel life much lighter and more delightful.